This conference is focused on the interplay between surroundings and self.
Though it's often difficult to imagine the impact we have on the world, life coach Dillan DiGiovanni encourages us to take action and ensure that the dent we make truly matters.
Remember Ask 8-ball, the circular oracle that had answers to all of your questions? Dr. Dev Dalal describes how we use it, and other decision aids to navigate daily life, and how we can be more effective in that decision-making process.
Kendra Thomas delves into the personal meaning of the Black Girl Magic movement and its necessity for black girls everywhere.
Using Jenga as a topic model, Auna Harvey shows us how digging a little deeper in conversations produces exciting and perhaps surprising results that allow us to connect better.
Building a personal brand starts earlier than you may think. Michael Mallery Jr. convinces us that academic strengths, challenges, and spaces establish crucial pieces of our defining character.
The "Ice Age" is part of our common vernacular and history, but now climate change necessitates a new extreme environmental period. Listen as Dr. Mark Urban introduces us to the Heat Age.
Hear Tanisha Akinloye describe how she tackles adversity head-on.
What can we learn about sustainability from bacteria? Dr. Penny Vlahos reveals the population secrets of microorganisms that may be an important key to our own sustainable future.
A smile is much more powerful, neurologically, socially, and emotionally, than we give it credit for. Hear Nicholas Piscatelli tell you why.